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BaaHaus in Winter
Buckley says, "There's nothing like a brisk calisthenics workout to stay trim and alert during the colder months."
"Uh, where's the grass?" Corky wonders.
"Hey, our scoobie pool is HARD!"
Eli looks adorable in any weather.
"So, two sheep walk into a bar...". ("Oh, no," thinks Albertine, "here she goes again with the standup routines. This is NOT open mike time, and besides, it's kinda cold out here.")
"I am the master of my domain...I AM the master of my domain...I am THE MASTER of my domain...I am the master of MY domain...I am the master of my DOMAIN...I AM THE MASTER OF MY DOMAIN!!!" (And all along we thought they were saying "Cock a doodle doo.")
I guess the gardening will have to wait.
"So, two sheep walk into a bar.... Aw, hey wait! Come back you darned ducks! This one is really funny...how about if I make it two DUCKS walk into a bar?..."
."Quack, jeez, let's get outta here!" "Yeah, race you to the loafing shed!"